
One of Forest Avenue's biggest assets is parent involvement.

But that's not limited to helping with homework and test preparation. Forest Avenue PTA hosts various events - such as FAAM Fling and Drive-in Movie - and fundraises to fully enrich your children's lives. The PTA needs your support, specifically YOUR TIME, to carry out its mission.

We are seeking 100% participation in this endeavor, meaning that each student must have a parent, relative, or other grown-up volunteer on his or her behalf. There will be a celebration for each class that achieves 100% volunteer participation! There will be many opportunities to volunteer throughout the year.

Room parents will seek volunteers for class-specific activities, and we have set up a Signup Genius for PTA events. Please follow this link and check back throughout the year for more opportunities to serve.

We love having parents/caregivers volunteer throughout the year.
If you’re interested in volunteering this year please let us know by signing up below. By signing up here you will be on a list that we will periodically email when we have specific volunteer needs.