Everyday Fundraising
Throughout the school year the PTA hosts several fundraising events and activities.
Here are some EASY ways you can support FAAM everyday!
Please check out the links below. 🔻
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is a school fundraising program run by General Mills. Anytime that you purchase a General Mills product with the Box Tops logo, simply clip the box top. You can print a form here to paste your box top collection to, and then send it in to FAAM with your student. You can also simply drop your bag of clipped box tops in one of the receptacles at FAAM, and our fifth graders will be glad to load them for you. Watch for collection deadlines throughout the year. Last year, we earned $2,100+, so keep clipping.
Planet Fundraiser
Planet Fundraiser is an App that you can download onto your phone or tablet for free. Once you have set up an account, and selected Forest Avenue PTA as your cause, you simply snap and upload pictures of receipts from participating vendors. Every time you record a receipt, a percentage of your purchase is given to Forest Avenue.
Office Depot School Rewards
For every qualifying school supplies purchase that you make, Office Depot/Office Max will give FAAM 5% back in credit for FREE supplies! These purchases add up quickly and help keep our school's small budget going. When you make a purchase, make sure to tell the cashier or enter school code: 70001738 online. Additionally, the local stores have the school codes on hand at check out and can look it up for you.
Publix School Rewards
If you are a frequent Publix shopper, this program is for you! Go to www.publix.com, create an account, and select Forest Avenue Elementary School as your school in your account settings. Then, every time you make a purchase at Publix, enter your phone number at check out, and a portion of what you spend will earn cash rewards for our school.
Lands' End
Every time you make a purchase from our Lands' End School Store, Lands' End rewards the FAAM PTA with a percentage of your purchase. Their program is a perfect partnership, our students get durable high quality uniforms, and our school receives extra money to put toward technology and other PTA-funded projects. When looking for our school on the website you can search by our name and address or enter our school code: 900187212.
Amazon Smile
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support FAAM by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. Designate Forest Avenue Academic Magnet PTA as your charity of choice.

Why fundraise?
Forest Avenue Academic Magnet is one of ten magnet programs in the Montgomery Public School System. At times magnet schools may receive Federal Magnet grants, however, MPS has not been awarded any magnet grants since 2002.
There are 52 MPS schools, and 38 receive Title I funding. Forest Avenue does not qualify for Title I funding, which limits the amount of additional funds the school has for technology and support programs.
Fortunately, Forest Avenue has an extremely active and involved #faamily that regularly comes together to raise money to support projects inside and outside of the school.
The FAAM PTA relies on parents and volunteers year in and year out to help update facilities, invest in playground equipment, and purchase new technology.
The PTA provides annual start-up funding for teachers, funds specialists' programs like art, music, and science lab, and pays for the school to participate in the Accelerated Reader Program.

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